The following capitalised terms have the meanings as set out below:

Agreement means the agreement between you and us in respect of a Booking;

Booking means the confirmed booking for a Studio at the Property;

Booking Confirmation means the confirmation email we send to you when we have received payment for the relevant Booking, containing your Booking reference number and other details;

Folk Pledge means the compulsory Folk community pledge agreed to by residents and guests that forms the backbone of the culture at the Property;

Incidentals includes fees, costs or expenses for goods or on-site services provided at the Property, or for damage caused to the Studio and/or the Property;

Studio means the short-stay studio accommodation at the Property;

Property means Folk at Florence Dock, Ada House, 45 Chatfield Road, London SW11 3SH;

Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions, as amended, updated, or replaced from time to time; and

Website means

When reading the Agreement the words “include”, “includes” and “including” shall be construed as if they were followed by the words “without limitation”.


The Agreement is between the person making the Booking for a Studio at the Property (you and your) and DTZI Coliv I BAT Opco Limited (trading as Folk at Florence Dock), a company incorporated in England and Wales (company no. 14554245) of 1 Bartholomew Lane, London EC2N 2AX (we, us or our). The Property is operated on our behalf by Urbanbubble Ltd (company no. 6516374) of Sevendale House, 7 Dale Street, Manchester M1 1JA.

These Terms and Conditions apply to each Booking for a Studio at the Property to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions.

The Agreement governs your Booking and only comes into effect when you have:

  • provided all of the information that we reasonably require;
  • paid the fee to us in full; and
  • we have issued to you a Booking Confirmation.

You accept these Terms and Conditions yourself and on behalf of all members of your party whether you are booking as an individual guest or on behalf of others.

You must accept that all Studios are occupied as serviced apartments and are only to be used as temporary or holiday accommodation for you, or your guest. They are not for use as the principal, additional home or residence of guests; you will not be entitled to a tenancy or an assured shorthold or assured tenancy. No relationship of landlord and tenant is created and no statutory security of tenure exists now or when the period of occupation ends. If you or any member of your party fails to vacate at the end of the period you will be charged the appropriate accommodation charges for the continued period of occupation. No persons other than the guests have the right to use the Studio. The Agreement constitutes an excluded licence under S3A(7)(a) of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (as amended) and cannot be construed as an assured tenancy under the Housing Act 1988 (as amended).


Please bring a copy of your Booking Confirmation with you and when checking in and present it to us along with the credit or debit card used to confirm the Booking. You may be asked to sign or enter the PIN code of the relevant credit or debit card at check-in.

If you have used your credit or debit card to confirm the Booking on someone else’s behalf, it is your responsibility to tell us in advance so our representatives know who the guest is when they arrive at the Property, otherwise we reserve the right to refuse access.

We will do our best to make sure your Studio is available from 3pm on the day of your arrival.

You must vacate your Studio by 11am on the day of your departure.

We may ask you for photographic identification upon arrival during the check-in process. Where requested, you must provide valid identification.

You can contact us by email at or by phone on 020 3535 1976.


We will ask to pre-authorise an amount up to £100 on a credit or debit card at check-in for Incidentals incurred during your stay. You agree that we are authorised to charge the pre-authorised credit or debit card provided for all Incidentals you incur during your stay at the Property.


We will let you know the fee payable by you in connection with a Booking prior to you making the Booking. The fee you pay will be confirmed in the Booking Confirmation.

Our fees are dependent on availability and demand at the relevant time. Our fees are subject to change at any time prior to you making a Booking.

All payments made by you to us for a Booking are non-refundable. You have no right to make changes to a Booking once a Booking Confirmation has been issued.

All fees quoted by us are inclusive of VAT and subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse any Booking for any reason.

Unless otherwise specified, the fees will include all charges for all utilities including water, electricity, broadband and council tax. You agree to use the utilities at the Property in a fair and reasonable manner for your own personal use only and to pay to us, as Incidentals, any additional reasonable sum demanded in writing by us for excessive use of any of the utilities.

We may cancel a Booking and terminate the Agreement at any time and in such event, we will provide you with a full refund.


All payments are non-refundable if you cancel your Booking or if you fail to check-in on the day of arrival specified in the Booking Confirmation.

We do not expect to have to make any changes to your Booking however occasionally Bookings have to be changed or cancelled or errors in information or other details corrected and we reserve the right to do so. If this does happen, we will contact you by telephone or email where reasonably possible. If a change must be made or your Booking has to be cancelled we will, if possible, offer you an alternative Studio of similar type and standard for the same period. If the alternative Studio is advertised at a lower price, you will receive a refund of the price difference. However, if the alternative Studio is at a higher price the new price will be payable. If you do not wish to accept a change or any alternative Studio offered or we cannot offer you a suitable alternative Studio, you may be entitled to cancel your Booking and receive a refund unless this is the result of an Event beyond our Control — see below. You should tell us as soon as possible whether you wish to accept any change or alternative Studio or alternatively if you want a refund. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to cancel a Booking at any time for any reason. If we need to cancel your Booking, we will give you a full refund of any amounts you have paid (unless the cancellation is a result of an Event beyond our Control — see below). The payment of the full refund will be our only liability to you in these circumstances.

Events beyond our Control include the following: act of God, outbreak of hostilities, riot, civil disturbance, acts of terrorism, revolution, the act of any government or authority (including the refusal or revocation of any licence or consent), fire, flood, lightning, explosion, fog or bad weather, pandemic, epidemic, interruption or failure of a utility service (including to electricity, gas, water or telecommunications), renovations and building work undertaken at the Property or in the local area, strikes, lockouts or boycotts, embargo, blockade.


All of our Studios feature double-sized beds. A maximum of two people may stay in a Studio. You must not exceed the maximum number of people staying in your Studio, otherwise we reserve the right to ask you to leave the Property immediately, and you will not be entitled to a refund.

Our Studios are not identical, and some features may vary by class or design. If the Studio type you require is not available, we will provide you with an alternative.

We can only accommodate guests who are 18 years of age or older. Children are not allowed to stay in a Studio. Extra beds and cribs are not available.

Pets are not allowed in any part of the Property, with the exception of guide dogs that are registered with Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or The International Guide Dog Foundation (IGDF).

We want you to enjoy your stay as peacefully as possible. There may, however, be occasions where we or our agent requires access to the Studio, and in such circumstances, we will try to give you as much reasonable notice as possible, except if there is an emergency, in which case, we will need to access the Studio without any prior notice. An example of an emergency would be if there was a leak of water in your Studio.


You are welcome to use all of the facilities at the Property and to freely interact with other guests and residents.

You are responsible for your conduct whilst on the Property and for the conduct of your guests.

You must ensure that you and your guests do not cause any nuisance to any other guests or residents at the Property.

Whilst on the Property, you must not engage in any illegal activity and/or damage our property or the property of another person.

You must not bring on to the Property any dangerous or hazardous materials or equipment.

You must comply with all reasonable requests from us, and you agree to comply with our site policies as applicable from time to time (including in relation to building and fire safety and health and safety).

Where you access and use the internet at the Property, whether provided by us or one of our suppliers, you agree to comply with any applicable terms of use.


By confirming your Booking, you are accepting these Terms and Conditions and by doing so, you are also agreeing to abide by the Folk Pledge whilst you are staying at the Property.

The Folk Pledge contains two parts: our principles and our rules, as set out below:

Part 1 - Our principles

Our principles are here to help you get the most out of your time living with us.

  • All residents and guests should make one another feel welcome. Showing kindness will go a long way. 
  • Be inclusive. Our diverse community is what makes us special, and we celebrate differences.
  • Be a good guest and neighbour, both inside and outside of the Property. Show respect for other people and the environment.
  • Be tolerant of other people’s views even if you don’t agree with them.
  • Get involved. Events are optional, but we encourage you to join in, even if it’s not something you’ve done before.
  • Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone. Make an effort to meet others and contribute to the experience. It might sound like a cliché, but we believe that great things happen when we challenge ourselves.
  • Be responsible whilst staying at the Property. If you see something you’re not happy with, chat with a member of our team about it and in return, take care of it.
  • Be aware of your environmental impact. Turn off lights and heating when they’re not in use, avoid using single-use plastic and recycle to do your part in making sure the Property is positively contributing to the environment.
  • Have fun and enjoy yourself. We hope your stay is one to remember. 

Part 2 – Our rules

Our rules are in place to make sure the Property is a safe and enjoyable place to be for everyone.

To make sure living and staying with us is safe and enjoyable for everyone, we enforce our rules using a three-strike system. If a rule is broken, we’ll issue a written warning. On issuing the third written warning, we will terminate your Agreement with us with immediate effect. 

  • Clean up after yourself (including being responsible for food in shared fridges). Don’t leave rubbish in corridors or shared spaces.
  • Care for the shared spaces and try your best not to cause any damage. If something goes wrong please report it to a member of our team. 
  • Familiarise yourself with the fire evacuation procedures. Don’t tamper with any fire safety equipment (including smoke detectors).
  • The co-working space is for all our residents and guests to enjoy when they need a place to work. It's not a dedicated office, so please don’t leave your computers, monitors or other personal items unattended or attempt to store them there overnight.
  • Keep noise to a minimum during the “Quiet Hours” of 11pm-7am, 7 days a week.
  • Some shared spaces are bookable for free or for a small fee and must be reserved in advance by speaking to one of our team. Please respect existing bookings and abide by the terms and conditions of the spaces. 

For a severe breach of our rules, we reserve the right to terminate the Agreement immediately and remove you from the Property. Severe breaches of the Folk Pledge rules include but are not limited to any of the following:

  • Using illegal or non-prescription drugs in the Property.
  • Engaging in abusive or discriminatory conduct towards our team, other residents or other guests. We operate a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination, harassment or unfair treatment on the basis of someone’s gender, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, race, nationality, ethnicity, relationship status, religion or beliefs.
  • Possessing an offensive weapon, including a firearm, knife (other than a domestic kitchen knife) or any weapon of any kind. 
  • Tampering with any fire prevention systems and control equipment.
  • Doing anything that may endanger you, the Property, any members of our team, other residents or guests.

We may also notify the police or other relevant law enforcement organisation.


Smoking or vaping is not allowed anywhere on the Property (including in your Studio), except in a designated smoking area. You must not, nor allow any guest staying with you to, smoke or vape whilst on the Property, other than in a designated smoking area.

If you (and/or a guest of yours) is caught smoking or vaping whilst on the Property other than in a designated smoking area, we reserve the right to remove you (and your guests (if any)) from the Property immediately and you authorise us to charge your pre-authorised credit or debit card an amount of up to £250 to cover the costs of deep cleaning and freshening if we decide it is needed.


This clause sets out our entire financial liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of our employees, agents, consultants and subcontractors) to you in respect of:

  • any breach of the Agreement;
  • any use made by you or any third party residing or making use of the property during your period of reservation; and
  • any representation, statement or tortious act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with the Agreement.

All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Agreement.

We do not limit or exclude our liability for death of personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any other liability that we cannot limit or exclude by law.

If we do not comply with these Terms and Conditions, we are responsible to you for loss or damage suffered that is a foreseeable result of our breach or failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage which is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is obvious or, at the time the Agreement was made, you had made us aware that it may happen.

Our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Agreement shall be limited to the monies you have paid in respect of the Booking.

Any vehicle of yours or any third party making use of the Property during the period of your Booking is left at the Property entirely at the risk of the owner of the vehicle.

Notwithstanding the above, if we are responsible for the safekeeping of your property whilst on the Property and the Hotel Proprietor's Act 1956 (the Act) applies, our liability for any loss of or damage to your property will be limited to the maximum amount prescribed under the Act.


We will only use your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.


We reserve the right to amend, update or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. However, the Terms and Conditions in place when we issued you with your Booking Confirmation will apply to your Booking.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the material and information displayed on our Website is accurate, we do not warrant or represent its accuracy and disclaim to the maximum extent permitted by law all warranties implied by statute, custom or usage relating to the material and information displayed on the Website.

No failure or delay by either you or us in exercising any rights under the Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of that right, and no waiver by either you or us of any breach of the Agreement shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term.

A person who is not party to the Agreement shall not have any rights under or in connection with it under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

The Agreement is governed by English law. The English courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes that arise in connection with the Agreement.


We take our guest satisfaction very seriously. If you have any complaints or comments regarding a stay at the Property, you should tell the duty manager in the first instance at the time of your stay so that we can attempt to resolve it immediately.

Otherwise, you can contact us by email at or by phone on 020 3535 1976. We promise to do our best in getting back to you within 24 hours.